Alliance for Higher Education in Prison logo
This is an ARCHIVED version of the 2021 National Directory of Higher Education in Prison
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
A student in prison flips through a textbook with a pencil in hand.

Academic Institutions

Higher education in prison programs partner with one or more accredited academic institution. On this page you can find the colleges and universities that are currently known to be affiliated with programs in the National Directory.

Institution Type:
Academic Institution Name:
Displaying 1–20 of 315 Academic Institutions
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2021 ArchiveD Database Updated:

November, 2021

2021 Annual Survey:

April 24, 2021

Academic Year of Program Data:


2021 ARCHIVED National Directory Suggested Citation:

National Directory of Higher Education in Prison Programs. (2021, November). Alliance for Higher Education in Prison. Retrieved from

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