Alliance for Higher Education in Prison logo
This is an ARCHIVED version of the 2021 National Directory of Higher Education in Prison
Academic Year 2019 - 2020

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Academic Features:
Mode of Instruction:
Additional Features:
Credential Pathway:
Academic Institution

Academic Institution Type refers to the college/university affiliated with the in-prison program (e.g., enrolls students, confers credits/credentials, awards financial aid).


Facility refers to the larger institution (prison, jail, detention center, juvenile facility) in which higher education programming was provided and not subsets within the facility (e.g, different housing units or “camps”).

Sex Designation:

Because most U.S. prisons segregate people on binary sex assigned at birth, this directory only includes ‘men’ and ‘women’ designated facilities. Programs working in a facility in which the designated sex is exclusively trans*, transgender, gender non-conforming, and/or non-binary individuals, either used “other” or provided a description in the comment box on the national survey.

Age Group:
Displaying 45 of 321 Programs

x180 Re-entry Assistance Program (180 RAP)

State | Region:
xMidwest / West North Central
Institution Name(s):
xMetropolitan Community College
xThis program has no institutions associated with it.
xTecumseh State Correctional Institution,
xOmaha Correctional Center,
xNebraska Correctional Center for Women
xThis program has no facilities associated with it.
view the full program profile

x180 Re-entry Assistance Program (180 RAP)

State | Region:
xMidwest / West North Central
Institution Name(s):
xMetropolitan Community College
xThis program has no institutions associated with it.
xTecumseh State Correctional Institution,
xOmaha Correctional Center,
xNebraska Correctional Center for Women
xThis program has no facilities associated with it.
view the full program profile

2021 ArchiveD Database Updated:

November, 2021

2021 Annual Survey:

April 24, 2021

Academic Year of Program Data:


2021 ARCHIVED National Directory Suggested Citation:

National Directory of Higher Education in Prison Programs. (2021, November). Alliance for Higher Education in Prison. Retrieved from

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